Advocating for the Industry: A Virtual Town Hall on the Issues that Impact You
Date/Time: Aug 31st 2-3pm EST
Instructor: Andrew Goldberg, Principal, Agoragov
Every day policymakers in Washington make decisions that impact the on-site power generation industry. Whether it’s new standards for energy consumption or tax code changes that affect our bottom lines, federal policies have lasting impacts on our firms. At a time when Congress is debating major issues that touch upon our industry, from infrastructure and energy to health care and workplace safety, it’s never been more important for the on-site power generation industry to speak with a unified voice.
As the national organization representing the interests of on-site power generators, EGSA wants to ensure that you are at the table when important policy decisions are made. That’s why EGSA is working to identify the top issues that impact our profession and build a plan to make sure that Washington hears from us.
This webinar will give you the opportunity to share your thoughts on the major issues that affect your company and how EGSA can help foster the regulatory climate that enables you to thrive.
Price: FREE
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