EGSA Buying Guide: Online Member Services Directory
As an important member benefit, EGSA annually publishes a Buying Guide listing all EGSA member organizations. Each member profile includes member demographics including 31 different product categories and whether they sell, rent and/or service equipment, and contact information.
As part of EGSA's enhanced technology infrastructure, you can find the online Buying Guide at my.egsa.org/buying-guide. There you are able to search by product or company. The online version will always be the most current information and updates in real time as members add information to their profiles.
Update Your Company Listing
You must be the designated primary or executive contact for your company's Membership to review/update the company's listing in the Buying Guide.
If you are the primary contact, log in to MyEGSA to make changes to your listing. To find out who the primary contact is from your company, or to designate a new one, please contact EGSA.
Online Individual Directory
In addition, EGSA offers members the Individual Directory when they log into MyEGSA. There they can search by organization and individual contact information.
You can contact us at info@egsa.org for more information about advertising in the next buying guide.