Technician Certification
As part of its commitment to advancing professionalism within the On-Site Power industry, EGSA has created the Electrical Generator Systems Technician Certification Program. Through rigorous testing, the program will identify those technicians who not only have a broad knowledge of electricity, mechanical and electrical components, and the interaction between them, but are proficient in the installation, service, maintenance, and repair of On-Site Power generation systems.
Technician Certification is available in two levels:
- Apprentice - The Apprentice level exam provides technical college students, recent graduates, military personnel and other 1st or 2nd-year technicians with proof that the basic skill set has been met (certification valid for 3 years).
- Journeyman - A passing grade on our Journeyman exam assures an employer that this technician meets or exceeds 3 years of practical field experience. This exam tests in 61 individual areas of expertise (certification valid for 5 years).
Test Preparation
EGSA has several options to help you prepare for the Apprentice and Journeyman Certification exams.
EGSA PREP PLUS: This course is our Instructor-Led EGSA Prep Apprentice and Journeyman exam review course and includes instructor guided review of all main test topics to ensure technicians are fully prepared for the exams. The class is offered as one 4-hour review and can include both Apprentice and Journeyman candidates simultaneously. This course has the highest success rate of all EGSA offerings. There are no prerequisites for Instructor Guided test prep but completing the Ferris State study guide and/or EGSA Test Prep Online Course before this review is recommended. Those who are interested in Prep Plus, purchase the course and then work with the instructor to schedule their customized training.
- Available In-Person or Live Virtual Meetings; $575 per seat. Reserve Now!
EGSA PREP ONLINE: EGSA Test Prep Online Courses are available for both the Apprentice and Journeyman Certification Tests. The comprehensive curricula developed by Prime Power Services, Inc. and EGSA, consists of 30+ individual lessons designed to equip technicians with the knowledge and skillset necessary to pass the EGSA Certification Exams. Engaging and interactive course design, EGSA-formatted practice tests, and robust work assignments prepare technicians for both the Apprenticeship and Journeyman Certifications.
FERRIS STATE STUDY GUIDE: Another option is the Apprentice and Journeyman Study Guides developed by EGSA and Ferris State University. These study guides are practice test booklets that are mailed directly to you. These study guides are a great option for technicians who have the experience, but just want to know what to expect on test day. The practice test includes all the modules that are included in each test, practice questions, and reference to where the information can be sited. Orders for Technician Certification items must be made directly through Ferris State University using the orders forms below:
Please contact Ferris State to check the status of your order.
Learn more about pricing and get registration forms on our Pricing page.
Do you have a question about Technician Certification? Please visit our FAQ page or contact