On-Site Power Generation: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Site Power

Reference BookEGSA's On-Site Power Generation: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Site Power book is usually referred to as the reference book or the "bible" of the industry. Since the introduction of the first edition in 1990, people from every aspect of On-Site Power Generation have relied on this book to learn more about the theory and technologies of the components that comprise an on-site electrical generator system.  

5th Edition

The Fifth Edition of this easy-to-read reference book contains application guides for virtually all phases of on-site power generation equipment, from the various types of prime movers and their accessories to electrical fundamentals and alternators, from enclosures to switchgear, controls, and everything in between.

On-Site Power Generation has been revised to include the most current technology and practices. The 5th edition has 47 chapters and over 700 pages.  Click here to see a listing of all chapter titles.

Who Can Use this Book?

Anyone with a desire to understand more about on-site power generator systems, including:

  • New Employees        
  • Technicians 
  • Engineers 
  • Users of generator sets
  • Designers
  • Component Manufacturers 
  • Marketing and sales personnel            
  • Technical colleges/students 
  • Service managers
  • Generator set manufacturers
  • Specifying engineers
  • Distributors and dealers
  • Facility Managers
  • Power generation instructors


Leading manufacturers and distributors include a copy of On-Site Power Generation with their own training materials and handouts to ensure their attendees have all the relevant information that they are likely to need in their power generation careers.

Whether you're a manufacturer, seller or buyer of power generation equipment - or just learning how to make the most of your own on-site power installation - you'll find On-Site Power Generation: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Site Power to be an indispensable resource.

Educational Institution Pricing

If your school or training center is interested in using our reference book as part of the curriculum, please contact us for discounted pricing.

Are you preparing for the EGSA Technician Certification Exam?

The 5th edition will especially useful to technicians preparing for the Apprentice and Journeyman EGSA Technician Certification tests.  You can purchase the reference book bundled with the study guide for your exam.  Visit our Tech Certification page for more information.

Please visit our Store to purchase the book. Books will not be mailed until January 2025.