New Members Welcome

Welcome to EGSA!

Thank you for your membership in EGSA.  In the current economic climate you want to get the most out of every dollar spent - EGSA realizes this and is prepared to help take you and your company to the next level. Below are a few ways to get involved with EGSA and raise your profile. 

  • Attend a conference (see our Events page to learn more)
    • Display in our Exhibitor showcase.
    • Sponsor a reception/giveaway or advertise in the conference app.
    • Network with your peers in person or online.
    • Volunteer to speak at a conference or a committee meeting.  Contact us for more information.
  • Join a Committee and help shape your Association and the Industry.  All committees meet in person twice a year at our conferences and over conference calls the rest of the year as needed.  
  • Invest in your education by attending a Rowley Power School – Since 2020 we are offering many of the Rowley School modules as live webinars.  Visit our Events Calendar to see what is on the schedule.
  • Get your technicians certified by EGSA.  
  • Does your company work with load banks?  Send your Certified technicians to our Load Bank School.
  • Contribute an article or submit an ad for Powerline, EGSA’s magazine.  Members are automatically subscribed to receive the magazine.


Review the full list of member benefits on our Membership page.  EGSA's memberships are mostly corporate - this means that if your company is a member of EGSA you are too!  Get the most out of your company’s membership by taking advantage of all the benefits that we have to offer.  Please contact us if you have any questions or want to be added to your company's membership.

Show you are a Member of EGSA!

Download a member logo for use on your website, stationary, email signature, etc. by clicking on either of the images below.

Proud Member EGSA Logo                        Proud Member Logo Words