Distributor/Dealer Committee
The Distributor/Dealer Committee is actively engaged in sharing with member companies the needs and proven solutions to common industry challenges and opportunities for Distributors and Dealers in the area of Sales, Product Support, and Business and Operations Management, regardless of brand, geographic location or company size.
The Committee's current and ongoing initiatives include:
- Discussing and prioritizing topics of interest to all D/D’s to be developed at future conferences or during other non-conference membership presentations. Guest speakers in a given field of expertise are frequently called upon for conference committee meetings.
- Discussing technology updates including current production, emerging methods and effects of the energy transition to renewables.
- Discussing people management issues including hiring, retention, career prospects.
Next Committee Meeting:
March 17 - 1:30 - 2:30 pm Eastern
This virtual meeting is free to members and non members to attend. Register Here!